Wednesday 20 March 2013

Tuesday Thoughts

This is a slightly different post as I haven't been up to all that much lately, as you will see by the fact that I am talking about what I'm reading and what's on TV!

These are a few things I'm thinking about at the minute and things happening in my day to day life

Reminiscing .... about the Lakes with the crits

It feels like I spent forever looking forward to the weekend in the lakes with the girls from home, but once it arrived it was over in a flash. Why does that always happen?! It's really not fair.

Despite the miserable weather it was a great weekend filled with lots of wine, food and laughs. And we did make it out to see one lake, albeit for less than 30mins!

Lake Windermere (Image courtesy of Pip)

Reading.... Jo Nesbo - The Redbreast

Since my mum got a copy of one of Jo Nesbo's books in a deal with The Times I've been pretty hooked on the Harry Hole series. I've not picked one up for a while and this one did take a bit longer to get into than the others. Basically the series is about an alcoholic police detective in Norway who pretty much does whatever he deems necessary to solve murders regardless of the ethics/legalities behind his methods. The stories are pretty gruesome and full of suspense keeping me suitably on edge while reading them. 

Watching.... Broadchurch

I am loving this series! And unusually my house mates also seem hooked. I say unusually because the only things we tend to watch together are American sitcoms (New Girl, Revenge, OC to name a few). I usually end up watching British dramas on catch-up on my own. 
This series differs from other crime dramas as the entire series is focussed on one murder, as opposed to a different crime each episode. As a result it allows you to become fully immersed in the lives of the characters  and the developing story. As the plot unfolds, more secrets are unravelled and the list of suspects lengthens. My bets are on the mum.

Lusting over.... a new leather bag

On the way to my car after uni two weeks ago the handle of my day-to-day bag snapped. Not ideal. 

Last week I spilt curry in the bottom of my back-up day-to-day bag. Even less ideal.

As a result I am now on the hunt for a new bag. I have been browsing the web in anticipation of pay day next Thursday.

Excited for.... seeing the Uni girls on Saturday

Two months ago I met up with two of my best friends for lunch and a wander around London town. Having such a great afternoon we got out our diaries to plan our next get-together. This Saturday was the next available date! It's ridiculous trying to arrange things when people actually have lives! it was so much easier back in school! 
This weekend also coincides with Helena's birthday so there's now a large group meeting up for dinner followed by cocktails and potentially some sort of touristy activity in the capital.

Our last trip to London.
Photobombed by an innocent little girl.

Worrying about .... the half marathon

When my sister signed me up for Blackpool Half Marathon four months ago it felt like a lifetime away. Somehow it has crept up on me and is now only two and a half weeks away. No idea how that happened! As a result I am not at all prepared for running continually for two hours. Hence the worry. Brightside : there is still two and a half weeks. I WILL GO ON A PRACTICE RUN!

Hoping for .... the weather to warm up!

It's just getting silly now! Rain, snow, wind, freezing temperatures. I'm over it. Sort it out Mr Weatherman. I want these days back!

So those are my thoughts at the moment. I will do a similar post in a few weeks. Although I will still most likely worrying about the half marathon :( 

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