Tuesday 21 May 2013

Food, food and more food.

Blog every day in May : Day 21 (aka Day 4 for me!)

A selection of my favourite archived blog posts. I don't have many archives yet so I thought I'd go through my favourite posts by other bloggers. These all turned out to be recipes that I want to try so get ready for lots of pics of yummy looking food.

1. Japanese vegetable pancakes from Smitten Kitchen. I try and kid myself that these are healthy.

2. Spring pizza from How Sweet it is. In fact most pizzas will do it for me.

3. Goat Cheese guacamole from Shutterbean. Goats cheese and avocado in one bowl! Amazing!

4. Anything from Joy the Baker. Particularly if it involves rhubarb.

5. Steak, avocado, cheese. An epic sandwich courtesy of The Londoner.

Basically I just love looking at pictures of amazing food and salivating at my computer screen. Although I am yet to actually recreate any of these recipes. Maybe one day!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I wish I could take some of the credit, but they're all done to some fab bloggers I follow.
      I've just had a look at some of your posts, your design work is so good! I wish I was even the slightest bit artistic!
